
Edible Flowers

Edible flowers are a wonderful way to spice up your salads as well and providing breathtaking color. They are available in many gourmet groceries  however the can be easily grown in your garden or in pots on a terrace. Our favorites are Bachelor’s buttons, Borage, Calendulas, Carnations, Herb flowers(basil, chives, rosemary), Nasturtiums, violas, including pansies and johnny- jump ups.Pansy Petals:
The largest of the viola-type flowers, all of which you can eat ( the smallest ones are called johnny jump ups) The have a faint lettuce like taste and a velvety texture.Carnation Petals:
Sweet and spicy. Eat only the petals, and taste each flower before using as the can sometimes be bitter.

Calendula Petals:
Usually orange or yellow, with a daisy like appearance, with a mild tangy taste.

Bachelors Buttons:
spiky-looking but soft, can be blue, purple pink, rose or white. Cucumber-ish flavor and a fun, frilly texture.

Nasturtium Petals:
The tastiest flower. Peppery and mustardy, with a touch of honey. Ranges from yellow to reddish orange with other variegations as well.




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